Come to our next event!
Monday 24th February 2025, 7pm – 9pm
Social Gathering | AGM | Fundraising News
You’re invited to a fun evening of good food and good company as we celebrate all that has happened at the Old School Community Centre in the last year, and look forward to what lies ahead. There will be food, socialising, an update on our fundraising progress so far, news on our Rejuvenating the Centre plans, a brief AGM, and news on how you can help us achieve our dreams. We look forward to as many people as possible joining us! Click on the image below for more information:
For well over 25 years the Old School Community Centre has been a invaluable asset to the community of South Brent, providing not only a space for community groups to meet, but also a place to form and nurture community. But the Centre would not be what it is today without the input of hundreds, if not thousands of volunteer hours – people working tirelessly to keep this building as accessible and vibrant as it can be for every age group.
If you looking to become more involved in your community, and if you would like to be part of taking the Old School Community Centre into the future, we would love to hear from you! There are a number of ways you can support us:
A Centre like ours has all the usual running costs, as well as an ambition to replace our Victorian roof and install solar panels. Any donation you can give – big or small – will be greatly appreciated. You can donate here (you will be redirected to our Just Giving page).
Become a Member or Friend of South Brent Old School Community Centre (SBOSCC)
We welcome all members of the community to use and support SBOSCC in either of two ways – joining the Centre as a Member or a Friend. You are free to make use of all facilities in the Centre and attend classes or events of interest to you without joining as a Member or Friend but as a charity all subscriptions help us maintain the fabric of the Centre for the benefit of South Brent and the local community.
What is a Member ?
Membership is open to individuals, families or other organisations which support the aims of the charity. They need to pay a subscription that is set by the membership and the Annual General Meeting
A Member is able to take full part in any activities of the charity, including being able to vote at the the Annual General Meeting held in January of each year. Members hold a maximum liability of £1 should the charity be wound up.
What is a Friend ?
Friends are similar to Members but if you don’t wish to hold voting rights , or liability, then you can become “Friends” for the same subscription as Members.
The minimum subscriptions are the same whether you choose to be a Member or a Friend of the Centre:
♦ Individual £5 per year (Unwaged £2 per year)
♦ Family: £10 per year
♦ Individual Life Membership: £100
How to Join
Please complete an application form, which includes a Gift Aid declaration. The form is available to download here, and hard copies are available in the main foyer of the Centre. Completed forms should be left with the Manager or posted in the letterbox outside the main door.
Setting up a standing order using your online banking facility is our preferred method of you paying your annual subscription as it helps to reduce administration time. If you are paying by standing order we ask that you also fill in a membership form so that we have a record of your contact details and gift aid status and most importantly that you have been made aware of our Privacy Policy
If you prefer you can also pay your subscription by cash or cheque when submitting your application form.
Our bank account details are :
Payable to South Brent Old School Community Centre Ltd
Sort code: 30-94-58
Account No: 27720268).
Become a Trustee
You can become even more involved in the running of the Centre by becoming a Trustee. The number of Trustees of the Centre is currently considerably less than the maximum of 18 our constitution allows; it would be great to have more Trustees to help us realise our exciting ideas for the future of the charity and the Community Centre. We are a friendly bunch, and find that being a Trustee is rewarding and even fun! You can see the current list of Trustees on our Who We Are page.
So the Centre wants YOU to help it continue it’s success story. If you are interested and wish to find out more about becoming a Trustee please contact Dave MacDiarmid, Vice-Chair of Trustees, 07469 744272.
Become a Volunteer
If being a Trustee is not for you, we want to form the “Friends of the Community Centre”; a bank of volunteers who are there to help in all aspects of the Centre’s day to day life.
Have you a little time to spare and lots of enthusiasm? Perhaps you have some of these skills you could offer?
♦ Painting and decorating
♦ Carpentry
♦ Small scale building maintenance
♦ Fundraising
♦ IT, websites and social media
♦ Event organising
If you would like to volunteer in any of these ways, please contact the Centre Manager: Michelle Parton,, 07707 723637.